Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ideas for our blog?

To better understand the insanity that this blog will soon contain
All statements made by Jetty will be in Bold
And ones by Bens will be in Italics

Hello ladies and germs!

This is Jetty here along with my good friend Bens. We are "Jetty and the Bens" and we need your help!! We are starting this fantastic blog to keep you and maybe your pet poodle entertained.

In our first blog we would like to help YOU, that's right you, sitting there on the computer when you're supposed to be doing your homework, with any advice you might need with your everyday problems
So please send us any questions you might have and we will do our best to help you out.

You can send those questions to and in a couple of weeks we'll have them up and answered. No question is off limits... except the one you just thought of right now. The next one is A-OKAY!

And remember that thing your teacher told you of there being no stupid questions? She lied.

Make sure to check out our facebook page coming soon... probably not... maybe... yeah... dot dot dot...